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Pancake Based Saturday Morning Pizza

Hello again, with a new experimental recipe :) I wake up around 5:45 AM every day, this time I woke up before the alarm went off, and instead of going back to bed I decided to do something creative. Pancake Based Pizza! Let us take a look what we will get in the end :) Here are the ingredients: oatmeal: 5 tbsp eggs: 8  flaxseeds: 1 tbsp olive oil: 1 tbsp garlic oil: 1 tbsp broccoli: 250 - 300 gr chicken breast: 250 - 300 gr tomato paste: 4 tbsp onions black pepper and jalapeno and thyme meltable cheese: this time I was out of options because I had so little cheese left and I used --the cheese-- but normally cheddar is to be used. So we start off with grinding the oatmeal with flaxseeds in a blender dry, without adding anything. They won't be getting into a form as flour, that is how we can get more fluffy pancake base. I think I should have used baking powder so that I could achieve more expanded and fluffy base, next time I will definitely try to make it als...

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